Her Journey Membership

It seems as if we have met...

It seems as if I know you. I know who you are because I have met you hundreds of times. Even though your face, hair, skin color, voice, age, culture, and demeanor are different every time, we share a common humanity. Feeling lost, confused, discouraged. Spending most of your time ruminating in the land of the past and regret, or troubled and worried about what is to come. Allowing your self-doubt and poor self-esteem to destroy your dreams and rob you of your joy. Spiraling between panic attacks, anger outbursts, and shut downs, sometimes all in one day, or even within hours. Seeking isolation, refusing to be vulnerable, yet terrified of being all alone, abandoned.

You had some harsh life lessons, you were hurt and betrayed by those closest to you. Perhaps it felt like you were swallowed by adverse life experiences and now you are wearing the lens of trauma. You may see yourself as damaged goods, you may see others as cruel and hostile, and you may see the world as cold and dangerous. You have trouble trusting your own decisions and setting boundaries. You feel misunderstood and insecure. And it makes sense. 

BUT, you are not alone.

It does not need to be this way.

Believe you are capable of healing and thriving. Become curious about who you are. Leave room for your best life yet dreams. Start a new chapter. You are worth it.

I am Dr. Denisa Millette and I have developed this platform to foster and grow a community of women in all stages of life and in all parts of the world to support one another and learn from each other. 

I would like to invite you to go on this journey with me and all the other courageous women in our virtual community.
Join us Today!

Her Journey Membership

Join our virtual inner circle community at any time to enjoy and benefit from a lifelong access to:

  • Member Resource Library
  • Monthly email newsletters with self-care tips, inspirations, and encouragement 
  • Discounted workshops and self-paced courses

Want a sneak peek? 

View a sample issue now and see why so many women are joining! 

🔗 Click here to view a sample of our first issue! 

Our virtual membership resources are based on neuroscience, holistic mind-body practices, and the power of the women-led support community to promote healing, restoration, well-being, and life worth living.

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Affordable, accessible to all women out there for life. You can unsubscribeat  any time. 


A Lifetime Membership

Pay What You Can

This resource is made to be available to all women everywhere. Pay whatever is comfortable for you to support this service. 

  • Member Resource Library
  • Monthly email newsletter with education, inspiration, connection 
  • Discounted workshops and self-paced courses